

With the Kid riding gleefully upon Weary's shoulder they trooped up the path their own feet had helped wear deep to the bunk-house. They looked in at the open door and snorted at the cheerlessness of the place.

"Why don't you come back here and stay?" the Kid demanded. "I was going to sleep down here with you--and now Doctor Dell won't let me. These hobees are no good. They're damn' bone-head. Daddy Chip says so. I wish you'd come back, so I can sleep with you. One man's named Ole and he's got a funny eye that looks at the other one all the time. I wish you'd come back."

The Happy Family wished the same thing, but they did not say so. Instead they told the Kid to ask his mother if he couldn't come and visit them in their new shacks, and promised indulgences that would have shocked the Little Doctor had she heard them. So they went on to the house, where the Old Man sat on the porch looking madder than when they had left him three weeks before.

"Why don't yuh run them nesters outa the country?" he demanded peevishly when they were close enough for speech.

"Here they come and accuse me to my face of trying to defraud the gov'ment. Doggone you boys, what you think you're up to, anyway? What's three or four thousand acres when they're swarming in here like flies to a butcherin'? They can't make a living--serve 'em right. What you doggone rowdies want now?"

Not a cordial welcome, that--if they went no deeper than his words. But there was the old twinkle back of the querulousness in the Old Man's eyes, and the old pucker of the lips behind his grizzled whiskers. "You've got that doggone Kid broke to foller yuh so we can't keep him on the ranch no more," he added fretfully. "Tried to run away twice, on Silver. Chip had to go round him up. Found him last time pretty near over to Antelope coulee, hittin' the high places for town. Might as well take yuh back, I guess, and save time running after the Kid."

"We've got to hold down our claims," Weary minded him regretfully. In three weeks, he could see a difference the Old Man, and the change hurt him.

Lines were deeper drawn, and the kind old eyes were a shade more sunken.

"What's that amount to?" grumbled the Old Man, looking from one to the other under his graying eye brows. "You can't stop them dry-farmers from taking the country. Yuh might as well try to dip the Missouri dry with a bucket. They'll flood the country with stock--"

"No, they won't," put in Big Medicine, impatient for the real meat of their errand. "By cripes, we got a scheme to beat that--you tell 'im, Weary."

"We want to buy a bunch of cattle from you," Weary said obediently. "We want to graze our claims, instead of trying to crop the land. We haven't any fence up, so we'll have to range-herd our stock, of course. I--don't hardly think any nester stock will get by us, J. G. And seeing our land runs straight through from Meeker's line fence to yours, we kinda think we've got the nesters pretty well corralled. They're welcome to the range between Antelope coulee and Dry Lake, far as we're concerned. Soon as we can afford it," he added tranquilly, "we'll stretch a fence along our west line that'll hold all the darn milkcows they've a mind to ship out here."

"Huh!" The Old Man studied them quizzically, his chin on his chest.

"How many yuh want?" he asked abruptly.

"All you'll sell us. We want to give mortgages, with the stock for security."

"Oh, yuh do, ay? What if I have to foreclose on yuh?" The pucker of his lips grew more pronounced." Where do you git off at, then?"

"Well, we kinda thought we could fix it up to save part of the increase outa the wreck, anyway."

"Oh. That's it ay?" He studied them another minute. "You'll want all my best cows, too, I reckon--all that grade stock I shipped in last spring. Ay?"

"We wouldn't mind," grinned Weary, glancing at the others roosting at ease along the edge of the porch.

"Think you could handle five-hundred head--the pick uh the bunch?"

"Sure, we could! We'd rather split 'em up amongst us, though--let every fellow buy so many. We can throw in together on the herding."

"Think you can keep the milk-cows between you and Dry Lake, ay?" The Old Man chuckled--the first little chuckle since the Happy Family left him so unceremoniously three weeks before.

"How about that, Pink?"

"Why, I think we can," chirped Pink cheerfully.

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    本书包括阿米!走步!Ami! Chogbo!和谁先住进去 First , Move into Your New House和核!合!和!Conflict! Cooperation! Concord!内容。
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  • 罗氏识遗


  • 大道圣天


  • 快穿之我是小阳光


  • 与讲台同在


    本书是贾志敏老师关于小学语文教育教学工作的思考及回忆,分 “教海拾贝”“课堂记忆”“亦师亦友”三部分。它不同于语文教学研究的专门性论文,而是通过贾老师的娓娓讲述,通过语文与生活、教学与成长、作文课堂、与同行交流等不同的侧面与角度,展示了贾老师的语文教学观和语文教学艺术。全书内容丰富,思想闪烁,感悟深刻,充满人生的沧桑、温情和智慧,表现了贾老师对教育的执著追求,以及一生“与讲台同在”的热爱和自豪感。是难得的关于语文教师素养和语文教学的通识性读物,值得教师一读。
  • 窃盗玄功


  • 时间潇潇


  • 日常的斗罗大陆


  • 我老公家里有矿

